European Yeti Award
A European Yeti Award to reward best practices : congratulate entrepreneurship !
To highlight and encourage eco-touristic initiatives, a European Yeti Award of 1000 euros for the practice that have inspired the most the jury.
What can you win ?
1st position -> 1000 euros and attendance to one of the European YETI training programs, in Romania or France.
2nd and 3rd positions -> attendance one of the European YETI training programs, in Romania or France.
For all training programs, budget of travel, accommodation and meal costs will be covered.
For all winners : visibility and network in the eco-tourism field!
Who is the jury ?
The jury will be 15 persons, 3 people in each of the 5 countries will be selected, from different background, diverse profile in terms of age and experience in eco-tourism sector– always involved on the long term for this project.
How will they choose the winner?
The award will be chosen through a grid of criteria that has been defined by the partners, experts in the field of eco-tourism and youth initiatives.
The criterias will be:
2. Appealing and enjoyable for the audience
3. Innovation for society
4. Capacity of transmission /shareability
5. Feasibility
The jury will give grade for each criteria and discuss their choices during a session moderated by an expert.
The winner will be announced in March 2022.
Discover the terms and conditions of the Award.
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